Zenlytic is a software company based in New York, offering a no-code Business Intelligence (BI) tool for eCommerce and DTC businesses. The company's mission is to provide true self-service for every team member, making data insights accessible and actionable for everyone.
Zenlytic's flagship product is an intuitive data modeling dashboard that empowers end-users to explore data with ease. The tool is designed to meet the needs of both data-novices and data-experts, providing a natural language interface and a graph in a browser window for a quick and easy data visualization experience.
The centerpiece of the tool is Zoë, a natural language chatbot that acts as an analyst for data-driven decisions. Zoë can explore data across multiple sources, eliminating the need for a time-strapped analytics team. With Zoë, users can instantly find answers to questions that would take days or hours with traditional methods. Zoë can also explain why metrics are changing and find insights that are hidden in the data.
Zenlytic's dynamic dashboards go beyond static snapshots, providing end-users with the ability to slice, pivot, and drill into details anywhere. The tool's product analytics feature enables businesses to understand their customer's entire user journey, eliminate drop-offs, and increase conversion. Zenlytic's software solves the problem of "Excel Hell" by automatically calculating metrics that are custom to a business, making it easy for businesses to escape spreadsheet chaos.
Zenlytic's products and services are specifically targeted towards eCommerce and DTC businesses that need quick and actionable insights to compete in today's data-driven market. In addition, the tool provides businesses the benefits of a Data-Team-as-a-Service (DTaaS), which can help configure the tool, set up a new data warehouse, and supporting infrastructure.
Zenlytic's software is distinguished by its superior data model, which ensures that all end-users can explore data. It is DRYer, simpler to build, and easier to maintain than LookML, and its software is metrics-native, making it self-service for non-data-novices as well.
Overall, Zenlytic offers a powerful and convenient BI tool that can answer data questions in seconds, providing businesses with the insights they need to grow faster and smarter. Its intuitive data modeling dashboard, natural language interface, and dynamic dashboards make data analytics easy and accessible to every team member, eliminating the need for an overburdened analytics team.