Your New AI Coworker: How Working with AI Raises New Patent and Copyright Challenges

The machines aren’t coming for your job — they’re here to help. But when humans work with artificial intelligence (“AI”) assistance, who owns the final product?

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Key insights: 1. AI models cannot work without human interaction and any result of an AI model requires, at some level, human input.
2. USPTO and Copyright Office have rejected Dr. Thaler's attempts to register a copyright and patent application for AI-generated works and inventions produced without human input.
3. It is currently unclear where the line is between human and AI invention and whether AI-generated contributions can ever become part of the public domain.

The article explores the complicated issue of determining the owner of creative works or inventions produced in collaboration with AI. As AI models require some level of human input to operate, the question arises as to whether the person using the AI tool should be considered the inventor or author of the work or whether the AI model itself is responsible. The USPTO and Copyright Office have rejected attempts to register patent and copyright applications for AI-generated works and inventions produced without human input. There is currently significant uncertainty regarding inventorship law in situations where AI models contribute to the conception of inventions. The Copyright Office and USPTO have solicited public opinion regarding several questions about the ownership of inventions and AI-generated contributions. It is unclear where the line is between human and AI invention, and there are questions about whether AI-generated contributions can ever be considered part of the public domain.

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